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Saturday 4 April 2015



In Britain Today there seems to be a lack of manners amonst our youger and middle age citizens.
The Practice of Manners seems to have been forgotten. In fact, for some people they have never heard of Manners or practiced them. Why ? Because they have not been taught by their parents or heard of them in School.

Perhaps people with Manners will have suffered from Bad Manners in recent years. Here are some examples -

  • You are walking along the pavement and you are approached by two young children. They walk straight at you forcing you to leave the pavement. There is no thought by them that they should give way to Adults. Often, they will utter some cheeky remarks if you do not get out of their way.

  • You are in a restaurant. Some people on the table next to you are talking so loud that the whole restaurant can hear them. It can get worse. Thye recognise some friends on one of the tables and start a converation so loud that you can not hear your partner talk.

  • Another table takes a Mobile Phone call. You can hear the converstion very clearly. It is a builder talking to his mate about the specifications and contract with his recent customer. There are many more examples of where a Mobile Phone disturbs your peace. The Mobile phone users do not care.

  • You are at a swimming pool om holiday. Around the pool there are four large signs – Do not dive, Do not Bomb – Do not use inflatables. You look around and see dozens of children floating on their inflatables. Others diving, more bombing. The Parents are sitting near the pool and they take no notice of the signs or the danger to their children. They do not care about other swimmers unable to swim because the pool is so congested.

  • Next we have the smokers who ignore signs and light up cigarettes and sometimes cigars. They do not care about other people in the restaurant or around the pool.

  • Young children are allowed to run riot in the restaurant disturbing the other dinners. Do the parents stop them ? No. they do not care.

  • You may be elderly and you are travelling by bus or train. No one will offer you their seat. Young children are sitting playing with their iPad and they are oblivious to you. They have not been taught to give way to an adult especially an elderly adult.

  • We see bad manners in our schools. Pupils answer back to the teacher and are sometime aggressive. Often the pupils are roudy – but what can te teacher do with all the Rules and Regulations imposed on them.

Unfortunately, we live in a bad manners World. We need to teach our children good manners at home and in school. If they grow up knowing what is good and bad, Society might become more thoughtful in future.

Someone should draw up a Charter of Good Manners. We need to be a less selfish Me First Attitude Society for the better of Britain.



Britain in 2015 is a huge Debtor Nation. It has struggled to reduce the National Debt for some 7 years. In spite of this difficult economic climate, The British People have spent some £12 Billions on Overseas Aid and Development each year.
Britain signed up to the United Nations Plan to spend 0.7% of Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) in future years.
Recently in 2015, the European Union have dcclared that Britain should pay an extra £1 Billions towards the EU Foreign Aid Budget. Aparently, Britain has not paid enough in previous years.

Britain is the second highest contributor to Foreign Aid in the World – after the USA.
Making a contribution to Foreign Aid and Development is an honourable thing to do. We must continue to help reduce Poverty, Improve Healthcare and Invest in improving the facilities for people in depressed Nations to live a better life.

The British People also donate some £60 Millions Plus via The Red Nose Charity and more through Save the Children Fund, Water Funds, OXFAM and through many other Worthwhile Charities. Britsih Volunteers also serve in many countries of the World.

Can Britain continue to contribute at the present levels ? My answer is NO.

What should British Oversaeas Aid Policy ne in the future 2016 – 2026 ?

  • No British Aid should be channeled vis Foreign Governments. Too much Foreign Aid is lost via Corruption and the Black Market in the recipient countries. This must stop.Too many Government Officials in Foreign Countries have become Millionaires in office. Where does the money come from ?

  • Britain should continue to channel Aid via Approved Charities who are already working in the countries concerned or Bona Fide United Nations Organisations.

  • Any money spent via The European Union must be subject to external Audit. It is a disgrace that the Financial Accounts have not been ratified as correct by the External Auditors for more than 10 years . How do they get away with it ?

  • Starting in 2016, Britain should reduce its contribution by 50% until Britain has reached equilibrium with its National Debt finances.

  • Britain should withdraw from a 0.7% GDP formula until its finances are in Credit.

  • The World Monetary Fund should continue to support worthwhile Projects in Development Countries.

  • The Pharmaceutical Companies should continue their good work in supplying Drugs at reduced prices but once again these shipments must be closely monitored along the Supply Chain to stop Corruption and Black Marketing.

This seems a realistic Policy for Britain to pursue in the next 5 – 10 years. If the British Economy grows at a more rapid rate, this Policy can be reviewed. In the meantime, let us face up to reality -

stop wasting £Millions in Overseas Aid at rates which Britain cannot afford.