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Tuesday 25 July 2017



I have spent a lifetime on and off as a University Student.
In between, I have some 30 years experience as Chief Executive during which I recruited and trained many young students and older students - Many on day release to attend a College to pursue a qualification which I encouraged my employees to achieve.

What about the Wellbeing of Students ?

How can Society look after the Welfare of Students who will be the bedrock of Britain's prosperity in the future ?

1 - Financial Pressures

The present formula of charging a Student £9,000 per annum, payable over a period of time in the working lives is a big burden.
My proposed change is to allocate a £27,000 allowance against tax, so that over time, these fees and high debts are repaid so that the cost to Students is £Nil.
Controversial ? Certainly. Practical over time accounting for inflation and Net Present Value ( NPV ) - certainly. At least it deserves discussion of the Pros and Cons. It is innovative !

2 - Student Housing and Facilities

I strongly support providing more rooms in Houses of Residence and at worse, houses for 4 - 6 Students.
Placing young students in Bed and Breakfast facilities, sometimes more than 1 hour travelling time each way to University is a very bad system.
A sole student in such place can get very lonely, missing friends and can get depressed before anyone notices.

3 - Quality of Teaching

Once up a time, I studied at Henley Business School for a MBA Degree. The Lecturer for the subject Marketing was so bad that the 43 other students asked me if I would teach them Marketing.
I was a Past Winner of The National Marketing Award - for An Outstanding Achievement in British Marketing !
I do not want to see a Teacher or Lecturer monitored all the time but there must be more Student feedback on the Quality of the Course Teaching. The once in a while Ofsted visit is insufficent monitoring.

4 - Structure of Tertiary Education.

There needs to be change in the Structure and Duration of Higher Education Qualifications.
For example, A Level 2 years should count towards a Degree and the syllabus amended accordingly. At the same time, the Duration of a Degree should then be reduced to 2 years at University, making a total duration of 4 years ( 2 at A Level called Part 1 and 2 at University Campus called Part 2 ).
In Nursing for example, this would speed up the flow of Nurses into the NHS - badly needed.

5 - Student Consultation

I accept that good progress is being made. A Review should be instigated into the Pros and Cons of present communications between Universities,Colleges and Schools and Students.

6 - Early Course Advice to Students

There is a temptation on many courses to flood Students with Reading Lists that are too wide, too complex and too daunting.
This is the cause of a lot of stress for Students.
Similarly, I have witnessed Examination Questions that are far distant from what the Student had been taught.

7 - Mental Health of Students

Every Higher Educational establishment should have a Mental Health Monitoring Service. Every Student should be checked for stress. Stress Management Modules should be built in to every course. Students need to know how to live a Healthy Lifestyle within University and during their Working lives.

8 - Monitoring Political Extremism

This is a danger within every Higher Education establishment.
This must be monitored closely by University Management.

9 - Diversity

Students should be checked before entrance more closely for their understanding of the English Language. This is often overlooked by High Educational establishments.

10 - Health and Workload of Teaching Staff

Too many Teachers / Lecturers are leaving the Profession because they are overworked with paperwork and reporting procedures demanded by Central Government. This source of stress and illness must be reduced.

11 - Governance

Management Boards should include Student and Parent Representation. Parents because often they are paying towards their children's High Education. I spent some £100,00 educating my children.

12 - Board for Student Affairs Department of Education

This should include lay people with strong Educational experience In  Higher Education to give a broad perspective and a fresh outlook on future Strategy and Policy. It should not be exclusively structured with serving Educationalists or retired Senior Educationalists.

These are just a few of my views for further debate.

Raymond John Williams MA MPhil MBA DIPM

July 2017

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